b'2023 cAi - sUNcoAst MeMbership DirectorycAi believes condominium andhomeowners associationsshould strive to exceed theexpectations of their residents. We work towards this goal by identifying and meetingthe evolving needs of the professionals andvolunteers who serve associations.your suncoast chapter of community Associationsinstitute is a trusted forum for the collaborative exchangeof knowledge and information. We help our memberslearn, achieve and excel. our mission is to inspireprofessionalism, eective leadership and responsiblecitizenshipideals reflected in associations that arepreferred places to call home.your suncoast chapter of cAi oers a wide range ofmarketing and sponsorship opportunities across a varietyof platforms, programs and initiatives. ese opportunitiesprovide the ability to align your brand visibility, in-personcontact, marketing activities, and touch points withthe community associations industry worldwide.contact our executive Director Laura haganfor more information at 727.345.0165(125)'