b'2024CAI-SUNCOASTMeMberShIpDIreCTOryCorporate Transparency ActIMPORTANT UPDATE: On September 10, 2024, CAI filed a lawsuit against the U.S.Department of the Treasury, Secretary Janet Yellen, and the director of the FinancialCrimes Enforcement Network, challenging the application of the Corporate Trans-parency Act on community associations. On October 24, 2024, CAIs preliminary injunc-tion request wasDENIED by the federal judge in this case. This current result meansyour association board must report BOI information to FinCEN by January 1, 2025, orface financial and criminal penalties. While this decision was not the outcome we hadhoped for, it does not mark the end of CAIs efforts. CAI appealedthe courts denial ofthe preliminary injunction request on November 4, 2024, and on November 12, 2024,filed its opening brief of the appeal in the Fourth Circuit. CAIs other lobbying and advo-cacy efforts continue on Capitol Hill and the lawsuit itself is continuing to go throughthe legal process even as the preliminary injunction decision is being appealed. (109)'