b'2022 cAi - sUNcoAst MeMbership Directory more than vendorsjust CAI Business Partner members are indispensible to common-interest communi-ties. More than just vendors, these valued members are good corporate citizens. They contribute to CAI publications, speak at CAI conferences and teach CAI professional development courses. Their involvement in CAI is an investment in the very concept of common-interest living.Compared to nonmember service providers, CAI Business Partnersare generally more likely to:1. Understand community association operations, which savesassociations money and reduces frustration for board membersand community managers. 2. Have products and services specifically designed for communityassociationsthey dont try to force fit generic solutions intothe community association model.3. Be attuned to community association trends and in a betterposition to make recommendations and suggestions that a non-CAIbusiness partner may not even consider.4. Have experience with other community associations, thereforeunderstanding the nature and dynamics of community associationsand how best to serve them. 5. Be familiar with community association management, governanceand best practices.6. Understand the roles of board members, management professionalsand residents and the relationships among them.7. Understand the proper request-for-proposal and vetting processes.8. Understand community association financesinvoicing, budgets(operating, deferred and long-term) and reserve studies.9. Be exposed to the unique and evolving aspects of communityassociations through CAI education, publications and events.Importantly, CAI Business Partners sustain CAI through their membership dues, sponsorships and advertisingsupport that helps keep CAI membership,education and events more affordable for all members.CAI Business Partnersmuch more than just vendors!(888) 224-4321www.caionline.orgphone:727.345.0165Fax: 727.345.0170www.suncoastcai.com(97)'