b"2021 cAi - sUNcoAst MeMbership DirectoryAccredited Association Management company (AAMc)The AAMC accreditation is awarded to companies that specializein community association management and that are committed toproviding unique and diverse services to their clients. A company thatholds this designation ensures their staff has the skills, experience, andintegrity to help your community succeed. An Accredited AssociationManagement Company commits to upholding the highest ethicalstandards and is required to meet CAI's financial management andreporting standards.Large-scale Manager (LsM)The LSM designation was designed to allow PCAM members tospecialize within their profession. This specialist designation isavailable only to experienced large-scale community managerswho have participated in various activities related to industry-specificeducation and leadership.reserve specialist (rs)The RS designation is awarded to experienced, qualified reservespecialists who, through years of specialized experience, can helpensure that your community association prepares its reserve budgetas accurately as possible.A Reserve Specialist can help ensure your association is planning forfuture needs to reduce the chances of levying special assessments topay for unexpected expenses.community insurance and risk Management specialist (cirMs)The CIRMS designation recognizes a demonstrated high level ofcompetency within the insurance and risk management profession.CIRMS designees must have five years experience in the communityassociation insurance field, and be of satisfactory legal and ethicalstanding in the industry.(11)"