b'2021 cAi - sUNcoAst MeMbership Directorycollege of community Association Lawyers (ccAL)CCAL Acknowledges CAI-member attorneys who have distinguishedthemselves through contributions to the evolution or practice of commu-nity association law and who have committed themselves to high stan-dards of professional and ethical conduct.Of the thousands of attorneyspracticing community association law in the United states, fewer than150 have been granted membership in the College.Members of theCollege distinguish themselves through contributions to the develop-ment of community association law.suncoast chapter certificationsuncoast educated Association Leader (s.e.A.L.)The Board Leadership Development Workshops utilizes fiveindepend-ent program modules offering in-depth, topic specific training for home-owners and board members who want to acquire advanced-level skills tobetter serve their community.Course topics are:Governing Documentsand Roles & Responsibilities; Communications, Meetings and Volun-teerism; Fundamentals of Financial Management; Professional Advisorsand Service Providers; Association Rules and Conflict Resolution.Homeowners and Board Members who attend all five of the courses willreceive a Certificate of Completion.how to find a designated professional~Search the Directory of Credentialed Professionals at caionline.org orvisit Community Association Managers International CertificationBoard (CAMICB) site at www.camicb.org. From there, you can search the database for credentialed managers in your area. ~Call CAI Direct at 888-224-4321 (MF, 95 ET) and ask any cus-tomer care specialist to assist you in a search. (12)'